1 | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | CVPR | 0.14 | A |
2 | Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems | NeurIPS | 0.08 | A |
3 | International Conference on Computer Vision | ICCV | 0.01 | A |
4 | International Conference on Machine Learning | ICML | 0.09 | A |
5 | European Conference on Computer Vision | ECCV | 0.26 | B |
6 | AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence | AAAI | 0.04 | A |
7 | Bioinformatics | | | B |
8 | Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics | ACL | 0.04 | A |
9 | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | TIP | 0.28 | A |
10 | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | TWC | 0.20 | B |
11 | Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing | EMNLP | 0.05 | B |
12 | ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | CCS | | A |
13 | Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security | AsiaCCS | | C |
14 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems | CHI | 0.11 | A |
15 | IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation | ICRA | 0.13 | B |
16 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | IJCAI | 0.01 | A |
17 | ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | SIGKDD | 0.16 | A |
18 | IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and SP | ICASSP | 0.33 | B |
19 | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | TIT | 0.44 | A |
20 | International World Wide Web Conferences | WWW | | B |
21 | Usenix Security Symposium | USENIX Security | 0.15 | A |
22 | IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy | S&P | 0.07 | A |
23 | IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications | INFOCOM | 0.03 | A |
24 | International Conference on Software Engineering | ICSE | 0.14 | A |
25 | ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing | STOC | 0.07 | A |
26 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | TCSVT | | B |
27 | ACM Conference on Management of Data | SIGMOD | 0.01 | A |
28 | Medical Image Analysis | | | C |
29 | IEEE Signal Processing Letters | SPL | 0.36 | C |
30 | IEEE International Conference on Communications | ICC | 0.06 | C |
31 | ACM International Conference on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication | SIGCOMM | 0.09 | A |
32 | Signal Processing | | 0.31 | C |
33 | IEEE\RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems | IROS | | C |
34 | European Cryptology Conference | EUROCRYPT | 0.18 | A |
35 | Symposium on Network System Design and Implementation | NSDI | 0.18 | A |
36 | Computer Supported Cooperative Work | CSCW | | A |
37 | ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium | NDSS | 0.30 | B |
38 | ACM International Conference on Multimedia | ACM MM | 0.08 | A |
39 | International Conference on Research on Development in Information Retrieval | SIGIR | 0.04 | A |
40 | IEEE Global Communications Conference | Globecom | | C |
41 | International Cryptology Conference | CRYPTO | 0.24 | A |
42 | IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing | TASLP | 0.61 | B |
43 | International Symposium on Computer Architecture | ISCA | 0.04 | A |
44 | IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering | ICDE | 0.19 | A |
45 | ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining | WSDM | 0.04 | B |
46 | ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing | UbiComp | 0.24 | A |
47 | IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science | FOCS | 0.16 | A |
48 | British Machine Vision Conference | BMVC | | C |
49 | Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory | COLT | | B |
50 | ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management | CIKM | 0.11 | B |
51 | Design Automation Conference | DAC | 0.04 | A |
52 | Decision Support Systems | DSS | | C |
53 | ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundation of Software Engineering/ European Software Engineering Conference | FSE/ESEC | 0.26 | A |
54 | Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems | ASPLOS | 0.20 | A |
55 | ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking | MOBICOM | 0.05 | A |
56 | International Conference on Image Processing | ICIP | | C |
57 | International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis | SC | 0.04 | A |
58 | ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms | SODA | 0.07 | A |
59 | International Conference on Data Mining | ICDM | | B |
60 | Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference | DATE | 0.02 | B |
61 | International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services | MobiSys | 0.08 | B |
62 | International Conference on Automated Software Engineering | ASE | 0.61 | A |
63 | ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design & Implementation | PLDI | 0.19 | A |
64 | ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology | UIST | 0.15 | B |
65 | IEEE Transactions On Computer-Aided Design Of Integrated Circuits And System | TCAD | 0.28 | A |
66 | Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security | ASIACRYPT | 0.15 | B |
67 | ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles | SOSP | 0.26 | A |
68 | European Conference on Computer Systems | EuroSys | 0.72 | |
69 | IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference | WCNC | | C |
70 | Software and System Modeling | SoSyM | 0.03 | B |
71 | Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference | GECCO | | C |
72 | Theory of Cryptography Conference | TCC | | B |
73 | Mining Software Repositories | MSR | 0.11 | C |
74 | Conference on File and Storage Technologies | FAST | 0.18 | A |
75 | International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition | FG | 0.67 | C |
76 | Internet Measurement Conference | IMC | 0.24 | B |
77 | ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems | SenSys | 0.13 | B |
78 | USENIX Annual Technical Conference | USENIX ATC | 0.22 | |
79 | IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo | ICME | | B |
80 | IEEE International Semantic Web Conference | ISWC | | B |
81 | USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementations | OSDI | 0.34 | A |
82 | International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis | ISSTA | 0.13 | A |
83 | IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications | PERCOM | 0.50 | B |
84 | International Journal of Neural Systems | IJNS | | C |
85 | International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems | SIGMETRICS | 0.08 | B |
86 | International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing | MobiHoc | 0.16 | B |
87 | ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction | ICMI | 0.31 | C |
88 | European Symposium on Research in Computer Security | ESORICS | | B |
89 | International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming | ICALP | | B |
90 | International Conference on Computer-Aided Design | ICCAD | 0.12 | B |
91 | SIAM International Conference on Data Mining | SDM | 0.01 | B |
92 | ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies | CoNEXT | 0.07 | B |
93 | ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays | FPGA | 0.36 | B |
94 | MICRO | MICRO | 0.61 | A |
95 | IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science | LICS | 0.01 | A |
96 | Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications | OOPSLA | 0.11 | A |
97 | ACM SIGGRAPH Annual Conference | SIGGRAPH | | A |
98 | ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing | SOCC | 0.20 | B |
99 | ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval | ICMR | 0.06 | B |
100 | ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces | IUI | 0.36 | B |
101 | Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming | PPoPP | 0.12 | A |
102 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | JSIS | | C |
103 | ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems | DIS | 0.20 | C |
104 | Annual Computer Security Applications Conference | ACSAC | 0.22 | B |
105 | Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security | SOUPS | 0.08 | C |
106 | International Conference on Extending DB Technology | EDBT | 0.14 | B |
107 | International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks | IPSN | 0.27 | B |
108 | European Symposium on Algorithms | ESA | 0.07 | B |
109 | Distributed Computing | DC | 0.44 | C |
110 | High-Performance Distributed Computing | HPDC | 0.35 | B |
111 | IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing | CCGRID | 0.36 | C |
112 | ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures | SPAA | 0.09 | B |
113 | Fast Software Encryption | FSE | 0.89 | B |
114 | ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility | ASSETS | 0.31 | C |
115 | International Computer Software and Applications Conference | COMPSAC | 0.14 | C |
116 | ACM SIGMOD Conference on Principles of DB Systems | PODS | 0.16 | B |
117 | Code Generation and Optimization | CGO | 0.04 | B |
118 | International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling | ICAPS | 0.41 | B |
119 | IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity | CCC | 0.61 | B |
120 | Interaction Design and Children | IDC | | C |
121 | International Middleware Conference | Middleware | | B |
122 | IFIP International Conferences on Networking | Networking | 0.11 | C |
123 | Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium | RTAS | 0.11 | B |
124 | International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control | HSCC | 0.19 | B |
125 | Real-Time Systems Symposium | RTSS | 0.09 | |
126 | ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks | WiSec | | C |
127 | International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems | MoDELS | | B |
128 | Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment | DIMVA | | C |
129 | Conference on Automated Deduction/The International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning | CADE/IJCAR | | B |
130 | Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques | PACT | 0.03 | B |
131 | ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry | SoCG | | B |
132 | IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics | DSAA | | C |
133 | Multimedia Systems | MS | | C |
134 | Human Computer Interaction | HCI | | B |
135 | International Conference on Web Services(Research Track) | ICWS | | B |
136 | Selected Areas in Cryptography | SAC | | C |
137 | International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement | ESEM | | B |
138 | IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks | LCN | | C |
139 | Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI | GLSVLSI | 0.03 | C |
140 | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | AAMAS | 0.20 | B |
141 | ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology | VRST | | C |
142 | IET Information Security | | | C |
143 | ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces | ITS | | B |
144 | European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming | ECOOP | | B |
145 | IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence | ICTAI | | C |
146 | International Conference on Multimedia Modeling | MMM | 0.06 | C |
147 | International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design | ISLPED | | C |
148 | International Conference on Mobile Data Management | MDM | 0.31 | C |
149 | International Conference on Database Theory | ICDT | 0.10 | B |
150 | Automated Software Engineering | ASE | 0.61 | B |
151 | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science | MFCS | | C |
152 | European Conference on Artificial Intelligence | ECAI | | B |
153 | International Conference on Concurrency Theory | CONCUR | 0.07 | B |
154 | International Conference on Conceptual Modeling | ER | | C |
155 | International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality | ISMAR | 0.24 | B |
156 | IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium | PacificVis | | C |
157 | Integration, the VLSI Journal | Integration | 0.61 | C |
158 | International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory | ALT | 0.04 | C |
159 | International Symposium on Physical Design | ISPD | 0.37 | C |
160 | Virtual Execution Environments | VEE | 0.89 | B |
161 | ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security | IH&MMSec | | C |
162 | Database Systems for Advanced Applications | DASFAA | 0.12 | B |
163 | Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems | ANCS | | C |
164 | Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium | APNOMS | 0.11 | C |
165 | Cybernetics and Systems | | 0.28 | C |
166 | International Conference on Scientific and Statistical DB Management | SSDBM | | C |
167 | Journal of Symbolic Logic | JSL | | C |
168 | Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design | FMCAD | | C |
169 | ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies | SACMAT | | C |
170 | Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video | NOSSDAV | 0.11 | B |
171 | ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers | CF | | C |
172 | ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics | Si3D | | B |
173 | ACM International Systems and Storage Conference | SYSTOR | 0.41 | C |
174 | International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology | FPT | 0.17 | C |
175 | International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | SEKE | | C |
176 | Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors | ASAP | 0.11 | C |
177 | ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip | NOCS | | C |
178 | IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation | SCAM | 0.31 | C |
179 | Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems | FORTE | | C |
180 | Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference | APSEC | 0.20 | C |
181 | Graphics Interface conference | GI | | C |
182 | International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases | SSTD | 0.28 | C |
183 | International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications | WASA | | C |
184 | International Conference on Very Large Data Bases | VLDB | 0.44 | A |
185 | International Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems | LCTES | | B |
186 | International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation | LOPSTR | | C |
187 | International Conference on Information and Communications Security | ICICS | 0.61 | C |
188 | IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems | ICECCS | | C |
189 | Computer Graphics International | CGI | | C |
190 | Computer Animation and Social Agents | CASA | 0.61 | C |
191 | International Journal of Information Security and Privacy | IJISP | 0.61 | C |
192 | International Conference on Embedded Software | EMSOFT | 0.31 | |
193 | High-Performance Computer Architecture | HPCA | 0.83 | A |
194 | IEEE Visualization Conference | IEEE VIS | 0.78 | A |
195 | Large Installation system Administration Conference | LISA | 0.21 | B |
196 | Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing | SGP | 0.61 | B |
197 | Digital Forensic Research Workshop | DFRWS | 0.33 | C |
198 | Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium | PETS | 1.00 | C |
199 | Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference | APBC | 0.33 | C |
200 | Geometric Modeling and Processing | GMP | 1.00 | C |
201 | Shape Modeling International | SMI | 0.33 | C |