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Papers共 151 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Nir Haim, Vika Grigorieva,Rotem Soffer, Boaz Mayzel, Timor Katz, Ronen Alkalay,Eli Biton, Ayah Lazar,Hezi Gildor,Ilana Berman-Frank, Yishai Weinstein,Barak Herut,Yaron Toledo
Zhibo Shao, Yangchun Xu, Hua Wang,Weicheng Luo,Lice Wang,Yuhong Huang,Nona Sheila R. Agawin,Ayaz Ahmed,Mar Benavides,Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia,Ilana Berman-Frank,Hugo Berthelot,Isabelle C. Biegala,Mariana B. Bif,Antonio Bode,Sophie Bonnet,Deborah A. Bronk,Mark V. Brown,Lisa Campbell,Douglas G. Capone,Edward J. Carpenter,Nicolas Cassar,Bonnie X. Chang,Dreux Chappell,Yuh-ling Lee Chen,Matthew J. Church,Francisco M. Cornejo-Castillo,Amalia Maria Sacilotto Detoni,Scott C. Doney,Cecile Dupouy,Marta Estrada,Camila Fernandez,Bieito Fernandez-Castro,Debany Fonseca-Batista,Rachel A. Foster,Ken Furuya,Nicole Garcia, Kanji Goto,Jesus Gago,Mary R. Gradoville, M. Robert Hamersley,Britt A. Henke,Cora Horstmann,Amal Jayakumar,Zhibing Jiang,Shuh-Ji Kao,David M. Karl,Leila R. Kittu,Angela N. Knapp,Sanjeev Kumar,Julie LaRoche,Hongbin Liu,Jiaxing Liu,Caroline Lory,Carolin R. Loscher,Emilio Maranon,Lauren F. Messer,Matthew M. Mills,Wiebke Mohr,Pia H. Moisander,Claire Mahaffey,Robert Moore,Beatriz Mourino-Carballido,Margaret R. Mulholland, Shin-ichiro Nakaoka,Joseph A. Needoba,Eric J. Raes,Eyal Rahav, Teodoro Ramirez-Cardenas,Christian Furbo Reeder,Lasse Riemann,Virginie Riou,Julie C. Robidart,Vedula V. S. S. Sarma,Takuya Sato,Himanshu Saxena,Corday Selden,Justin R. Seymour,Dalin Shi,Takuhei Shiozaki,Arvind Singh,Rachel E. Sipler,Jun Sun,Koji Suzuki,Kazutaka Takahashi,Yehui Tan,Weiyi Tang,Jean-Eric Tremblay,Kendra Turk-Kubo,Zuozhu Wen,Angelicque E. White,Samuel T. Wilson,Takashi Yoshida,Jonathan P. Zehr,Run Zhang,Yao Zhang,Ya-Wei Luo
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 154

#Citation: 8391

H-Index: 45

G-Index: 90

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 3

Activity: 39

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