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Papers共 122 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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G. A. Kriss,G. De Rosa,Justin Ely,B. M. Peterson,J. S. Kaastra,M. Mehdipour,G. J. Ferland,Maryam Dehghanian,Satya N. Mathur,Rick Edelson,K. T. Korista,Nahum Arav,Aaron J. Barth,Misty C. Bentz,W. N. Brandt,D. M. Crenshaw,E. Dalla Bontà,K. D. Denney, C. Done,Michael Eracleous,Michael Fausnaugh, Emma Gardner,M. R. Goad,C. J. Grier,K. Horne,C. S. Kochanek,I. M. McHardy,H. Netzer,Anna Pancoast,L. Pei,Richard W. Pogge,D. Proga, C. Silva,Nicolás Tejos,M. Vestergaard,S. M. Adams,P. Arévalo,Thomas G. Beatty,E. Behar,Vardha N. Bennert,S. Bianchi,A. Bigley,S. Bisogni, R. Boissay-Malaquin, Г. А. Борман,M. C. Bottorff,A. A. Breeveld,M. S. Brotherton,J.E.C. Brown,J. S. Brown,E. M. Cackett,G. Canalizo,M. Cappi,M. T. Carini,K. I. Clubb,Julia M. Comerford,Carl T. Coker,E. M. Corsini,E. Costantini,Steve Croft,K. V. Croxall,Alis J. Deason,A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres,Marco B. de,M. Dietrich, Laura Di Gesu,J. Ebrero,P. A. Evans,A. V. Filippenko,K. Flatland,E. L. Gates,N. Gehrels,S. Geier,J. M. Gelbord,Luis Miguel González,Varoujan Gorjian,D. Grupe,Anshu Gupta, Pat Hall,Calen B. Henderson,S. Hicks,Erika M. Holmbeck,T. W. S. Holoien,Taylor A. Hutchison,M. Im,J. J. Jensen,C. A. Johnson,M. D. Joner,S. Kaspi,Brandon C. Kelly,Patrick L. Kelly,J. A. Kennea,M. Kim,S. C. Kim,S. Y. Kim,A. King,S. A. Klimanov,Y. Krongold,Marie Wingyee Lau,J. C. Lee,D. C. Leonard,Miao Li,P. Lira,Cassandra Lochhaas,Zhiyuan Ma,F. MacInnis,M. A. Malkan,E. R. Manne-Nicholas,G. Matt,Jon C. Mauerhan,Rosalie McGurk,C. Montuori,L. Morelli,A. M. Mosquera,D. Mudd, F. Müller–Sánchez,S. V. Nazarov,R. P. Norris,J. A. Nousek,M. L. Nguyen,P. Ochner,D. N. Okhmat,S. Paltani,J. R. Parks,C. Pinto,A. Pizzella,R. Poleski,G. Ponti,Jörg‐Uwe Pott,S. E. Rafter,H. W. Rix,Jessie C. Runnoe,D. A. Saylor,J. S. Schimoia,K. Schnülle,B. Scott,С. Г. Сергеев,B. J. Shappee,I. Shivvers,M. H. Siegel,G. Simonian,A. Siviero,A. Skielboe,Garrett Somers,M. Spencer,D. Starkey,Daniel J. Stevens,Hyun-Il Sung,Jamie Tayar,K. G. Teems,Tommaso Treu,C. S. Turner,P. Uttley,Jennifer L. van Saders,Laura Vican,C. Villforth,Steven Villanueva,D.J. Walton, T. W Aters,Y. Weiss,Jong-Hak Woo, Huang Yan,H. Yuk,W. Zheng, Wei Zhu,Ying Zu
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 122

#Citation: 3540

H-Index: 34

G-Index: 54

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 2

Activity: 13

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