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Research Interests

Papers共 3 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Nevine Dia Ali, Hannah Haruko Alphs, Mark Magdi Awad, Kirsten Elena Baca,Juan Carlos Baez,Herman Singh Bagga, Allison Ruth Barker, Clarissa Grace Barnes, Daniel Leonard Bowers, Christopher John Brady, Marc Addison Callender,John Peter Campbell, Lee Chaichana,Han-Ying Peggy Chang,Tai-Li Chang, Christopher Grant Chapman, Rush Hamilton Chewning,Curtis Robert Chong, M. Phil,Scott Chowning, Barbara Miriam Chubak,Lia Ellen Clattenburg,Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, Brian Michael Cohee, Caitlin Rose Costello, James Fairman Cowan, Joseph Garfield Crompton, Harry Dao Jr., Sneha Shailesh Desai, Emily King Deschler,Rajiv Devanagondi, David Wesley Dowdy, Megan Leigh Durr, Nicole Renee Edmond,John Matthew Edwards,Allen Omid Eghrari, Steven Jeffrey Eliades, Jonathan Paul Etheridge,Muraya Gathinji
Author Statistics

#Papers: 3

#Citation: 46

H-Index: 2

G-Index: 2

Sociability: 3

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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