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Research Interests

Papers共 10 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Alpha Kabinet Keita,Nicole Vidal,Abdoulaye Toure,Mamadou Saliou Kalifa Diallo,N'Fally Magassouba,Sylvain Baize,Mathieu Mateo,Herve Raoul,Stephane Mely,Fabien Subtil,Cece Kpamou,Lamine Koivogui,Falaye Traore,Mamadou Saliou Sow,Ahidjo Ayouba,Jean Francois Etard,Eric Delaporte,Martine Peeters, Alice Desclaux, Bruno Granouillac, Suzanne Izard, Sandrine Leroy, Laura March, Philippe Msellati, Bernard Taverne, Kaba Bangoura, Moumie Barry, Mohammed Cisse, Saliou Bella Diallo, Mamadou Safiatou Diallo, Mariama Sadjo Diallo, Ousmane Faye, Djenaba Kasse, Harissatou Niane, Fode Amara Traore, Thierno Alimou Barry, Mariama Djoulde Sall, Mamoudou Cisse, Jean-Francois Delfraissy, Christelle Delmas, Cecile Etienne, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Ibrahima Fofana, Ibrahima Savane, Sakoba Keita, Christine Lacarabaratz, Claire Levy Marchal, Yves Levy, Vincent Mendiboure, Yves-Marie Pers, Yamoussa Youla
Author Statistics

#Papers: 9

#Citation: 100

H-Index: 6

G-Index: 7

Sociability: 4

Diversity: 1

Activity: 9

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