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Papers共 11 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Pavlo Ardanov,Serhii Razanov, Mykola Kutsenko, Alla Razanova, Y. M. Dmytruk, Vasyl Cherlinka, I. Gumeniuk, A. Levishko, O. Demyаnyuk, Anatolii Shmurak, Ivan Kovalets, Svitlana Maistrenko, Ivan V. Kovalets, R.O. Synkevych, Taras Dontsov-Zagreba, K.V. Khurtsilava,Oleg Udovenko, Sergey Stankevich, Сергій Петрович Мосов, Ievgen Y. Saprykin,Oleksiy Vasyliuk, V. O. Movchan, Iryna Barulina, Viktorija Oliferchuk,Nataliia Kendzora, Liubov Artiukh, Ronald S. Zalesny, Ryan A. Vinhal,Elizabeth R. Rogers, Yang-chung. Lin, Andriy Sylchuk, Oksana Sytar,Mykola Kharytonov,Mykhailo Babenko, Yuzhen Zhou, Olena Kishchenko,Anton Stepanenko,Guimin Chen,Olha Lakhneko, B.V. Morgun, Nikolai Borisjuk, A. P. Shatkovskyi, Maksym Sherbatiuk, Олена Білоус, Оlena Budіakova, Сергій Рєзнік
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 11

#Citation: 16

H-Index: 3

G-Index: 4

Sociability: 3

Diversity: 1

Activity: 2

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