Analysis and Visualization of Co-authorship Networks for Understanding Academic Collaboration and Knowledge Domain of Individual Researchers

Sydney, Qld.(2006)

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This paper proposed a new approach for collecting, analyzing and visualizing co-authoring data of individuals. This approach can be used for understanding the academic collaboration and knowledge domain of individual researchers in a past period through repetitive co-published works. Particularly we extracted the co-authoring data from the DBLP which is one of the largest on-line computer science bibliographic databases available on the Internet. To help users to understand the academic collaboration and knowledge domain of individuals, we developed an InterRing visualizer which shows not only the weight of co-authorship of an individual with other researchers in particular academic year, but also the knowledge domain of the individual that was covered by his/her publications published in a past period
past period,interring visualizer,particular academic year,online computer science bibliographic database,co-authorship networks,individual researcher,academic collaboration,coauthorship network,information,bibliographic systems,visualization,knowledge domain,information analysis,co-authoring data,data visualisation,largest on-line computer science,internet,data visualization,individual researchers,new approach,co-authorship,bibliographic databases,understanding academic collaboration,data analysis,information visualization,information technology,computer science,data mining,collaboration
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