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Improvements in recognition of conversational telephone speech

Peskin, B., Newman, M.,McAllaster, D., Nagesha, V.

Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1999. Proceedings., 1999 IEEE International Conference(1999)

Cited 39|Views0
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This paper describes recent changes in Dragon's speech recognition system which have markedly improved performance on conversational telephone speech. Key changes include: the conversion to modified perceptual linear prediction (PLP)-based cepstra from mel-cepstra; the replacement of our usual IMELDA transformation by a new transform using “semi-tied covariance”; a new multi-pass adaptation protocol; probabilities on alternate pronunciations in the lexicon; the addition of word-boundary tags in our acoustic models and the redistribution of model parameters to build fewer output distributions but with more mixture components per model
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Key words
cepstral analysis,prediction theory,probability,speech recognition,telephony,Dragon speech recognition system,acoustic models,alternate pronunciations probability,conversational telephone speech recognition,lexicon,mixture components,model parameters redistribution,modified PLP-based cepstra,modified perceptual linear prediction,multi-pass adaptation protocol,output distributions,performance improvement,semi-tied covariance,transform,word-boundary tags,
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