Support of Stateful Services in Pervasive Environments

White Plains, NY(2007)

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In Pervasive Environments we envision that services always adapt to the user's needs. So far, this is done by either using context information to deliver personalized services or by composing services from atomic services taking ambient information into account. Our approach goes further in a way that we dynamically adapt composite services and recompose during runtime. This is necessary due to changing availability of services in pervasive environments and high user mobility. Recomposition may have different characteristics e.g. removal or substitution of atomic services. In case of substitution, if the substituted services are stateful it is necessary to support state transfer in order to ensure continuous service usage. Therefore, we developed a framework that enables state management, backup and recovery for pervasive services. The paper gives an overview of requirements, related work and the proposed solution concept and implementation.
composite service,pervasive environments,context information,atomic service,stateful services,composing service,pervasive service,high user mobility,ambient information,state transfer,pervasive environment,state management,pervasive computing,environmental management,motion pictures,solution concept,computer languages,availability,hardware,ubiquitous computing,internet
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