P2P logging and timestamping for XWiki

NOTERE '08: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on New technologies in distributed systems(2008)

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Collaborative applications are getting an increasing interest as a result of the rapid progress in distributed technologies such as grid computing. P2P applications, and mobile computing. Constructing these applications on top of P2P networks has many advantages which stem from P2P properties: decentralization, self-organization, scalability and fault-tolerance In this paper, we address data replication and reconciliation in XWiki peer-to-peer (P2P) collaborative application. We propose a new mechanism of optimistic replication, which consists of an algorithm for data reconciliation based on operational transformation approach (OT) and an extension of KTS service that performs distributed timestamp generation running over a distributed hash table (DHT). While updating at collaborating XWiki peers, updates are timestamped and stored in a highly available P2P log. During reconciliation, these updates are retrieved in total order to enforce eventual consistencies. The work presented here is partially supported by the National Agency of Research within RNTL XWiki Concerto project (2007--2009).
data reconciliation,p2p system,collaborative application,data replication,p2p log,p2p property,distributed data management,dht,reconciliation,xwiki peer-to-peer,data base,rntl xwiki concerto project,xwiki peer,optimistic replication,p2p application,p2p network,grid computing,distributed hash table,total order,fault tolerant,p2p,self organization,mobile computer
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