The Effectiveness of Passport Source Address Validation Scheme

Information Processing, 2009. APCIP 2009. Asia-Pacific Conference(2009)

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Passport is a new secure and adoptable source address validation technique, which has attracted fully attention. In this article, we research into the efficiency of Passport. First of all, we build a mathematical model to describe Passportpsilas function, then propose an evaluating indexes, at last we use Brite generate a Power-Law network topology and design correlative algorithm to quantitative analysis Passportpsilas efficiency. The study shows that: (1) Comparing with randomly deploying, the efficiency of vertex cover deploying is even higher; (2) Only deploying Passport in 54.3% AS can effectively defend the whole Internet against source address spoofing, although Passport will still cause large overload, it has been the most effectiveness source address validation scheme at recently.
deploying passport,passport,brite,effectiveness source address validation,vertex cover deploying,effectiveness,design correlative algorithm,power-law network topology,passport source address validation,source address authentication,mathematical model,telecommunication network topology,large overload,brite generate,vertex cover,adoptable source address validation,internet,passport source,validation scheme,graph theory,source address spoofing,source address validation,quantitative analysis passport,security of data,filtering,scalability,power law,power generation,algorithm design and analysis,quantitative analysis,information processing,network topology,indexation
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