CHypercube: A Novel P2P Overlay Network

Electronic Commerce and Security, 2009. ISECS '09. Second International Symposium(2009)

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Most of recent researches on P2P system focus on how to build a highly usable P2P overlay network. Researchers include small routing table, short query path and good robustness into their design objectives of overlay topology. In this paper, we present a general group theory method and define a new Cayley graph. Based on this graph, we propose a novel P2P overlay network called CHypercube, which has simple routing(searching) scheme and many other excellent properties such as short query path, high clustering and good robustness because of its symmetry. The performance is evaluated by simulation to show that CHypercube posses shorter query path length and higher clustering and better robustness than several popular P2P overlay networks such as Chord and Ulysses.
shorter query path length,overlay topology,better robustness,novel p2p overlay network,high clustering,short query path,good robustness,higher clustering,p2p system focus,p2p overlay network,overlay network,computer science,cayley graph,software engineering,routing,data mining,p2p,overlay,robustness,computational modeling,electronic commerce,graph theory,network topology,fault tolerance,group theory,topology
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