A quasisymmetric function for matroids

European Journal of Combinatorics(2009)

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A new isomorphism invariant of matroids is introduced, in the form of a quasisymmetric function. This invariant: *defines a Hopf morphism from the Hopf algebra of matroids to the quasisymmetric functions, which is surjective if one uses rational coefficients; *is a multivariate generating function for integer weight vectors that give minimum total weight to a unique base of the matroid; *is equivalent, via the Hopf antipode, to a generating function for integer weight vectors which keeps track of how many bases minimize the total weight; *behaves simply under matroid duality; *has a simple expansion in terms of P-partition enumerators; *is a valuation on decompositions of matroid base polytopes. This last property leads to an interesting application: it can sometimes be used to prove that a matroid base polytope has no decompositions into smaller matroid base polytopes. Existence of such decompositions is a subtle issue arising from the work of Lafforgue, where lack of such a decomposition implies that the matroid has only a finite number of realizations up to scalings of vectors and overall change-of-basis.
unique base,matroid base polytopes,matroid base polytope,greedy algorithm,matroid polytope,. matroid,minimum total weight,fine schubert cell.,matroid duality,valuation,smaller matroid base polytopes,hopf algebra,quasisymmetric function,quasisymmetric func- tion,total weight,integer weight vector,generating function
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