Improving FPGA performance for carry-save arithmetic

IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems(2010)

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The selective use of carry-save arithmetic, where appropriate, can accelerate a variety of arithmetic-dominated circuits. Carry-save arithmetic occurs naturally in a variety of DSP applications, and further opportunities to exploit it can be exposed through systematic data flow transformations that can be applied by a hardware compiler. Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), however, are not particularly well suited to carry-save arithmetic. To address this concern, we introduce the "field programmable counter array" (FPCA), an accelerator for carry-save arithmetic intended for integration into an FPGA as an alternative to DSP blocks. In addition to multiplication and multiply accumulation, the FPCA can accelerate more general carry-save operations, such as multi-input addition (e.g., add k 2 integers) and multipliers that have been fused with other adders. Our experiments show that the FPCA accelerates a wider variety of applications than DSP blocks and improves performance, area utilization, and energy consumption compared with soft FPGA logic.
counting circuits,digital arithmetic,digital signal processing chips,field programmable gate arrays,multiplying circuits,DSP,FPCA,FPGA,carry-save arithmetic,energy consumption,field programmable counter array,field-programmable gate arrays,multi-input addition,multipliers,Carry-save arithmetic,field-programmable gate array (FPGA),generalized parallel counter (GPC)
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