Local ambient occlusion in direct volume rendering.

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics(2010)

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This paper presents a novel technique to efficiently compute illumination for Direct Volume Rendering using a local approximation of ambient occlusion to integrate the intensity of incident light for each voxel. An advantage with this local approach is that fully shadowed regions are avoided, a desirable feature in many applications of volume rendering such as medical visualization. Additional transfer function interactions are also presented, for instance, to highlight specific structures with luminous tissue effects and create an improved context for semitransparent tissues with a separate absorption control for the illumination settings. Multiresolution volume management and GPU-based computation are used to accelerate the calculations and support large data sets. The scheme yields interactive frame rates with an adaptive sampling approach for incrementally refined illumination under arbitrary transfer function changes. The illumination effects can give a better understanding of the shape and density of tissues and so has the potential to increase the diagnostic value of medical volume rendering. Since the proposed method is gradient-free, it is especially beneficial at the borders of clip planes, where gradients are undefined, and for noisy data sets.
illumination setting,direct volume rendering,incrementally refined illumination,medical volume rendering,adaptive sampling approach,local ambient occlusion,large data set,illumination effect,additional transfer function interaction,arbitrary transfer function change,multiresolution volume management,local approach,shadow mapping,acceleration,technology,absorption,data visualisation,shading,sampling methods,biomedical imaging,approximation theory,transfer functions,natural sciences,transfer function,data visualization,illumination,volume rendering,lighting,shape
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