SMART CAMP: Benefits of Media and Smart Service Convergence

Advanced Information Networking and Applications(2011)

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Raw materials for generating energy and producing goods are not always extracted where they are needed, namely in the sphere of man settlement. It is likely that growing numbers of workers are required to work in remote habitats. Being in such rural conditions is a costly, complex and difficult undertaking for both, the companies and their labour force. The Smart Camp project merges several challenges that we face nowadays. It aims to address the high expenses and emissions from off-grid energy generation. Furthermore, finding a work-life balance and dealing with the concomitant everyday problems in a remote area results in human social and psychological issues. This project also aims to use digital convergence technologies and techniques in order to deal with these challenges. This paper reports the status quo of research that has been done in this area and gives and introduction to the project.
energy conservation,environmental factors,human factors,labour resources,project management,raw materials,digital convergence technologies,human social issues,media service,off-grid energy generation,psychological issues,raw materials,smart camp project,smart service,Green IT,Intelligent Information Systems,Quality of Life,Remote Areas,Smart Home,Well-Being,
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