A Visualization Technique for the Passage Rates of Unit Testing and Static Checking with Caller-Callee Relationships

Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications Workshops(2011)

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Software visualization has attracted lots of attention. The techniques fall into two categories: visualization of software component relationships and visualization of software metrics. We propose a new hybrid method based on both of the two categories. The proposed method visualizes coincidence between specification and implementation from two aspects: static checking and ordinal testing by test suites. Each of the verification is performed in a method or function basis (unit testing). In our method, each ratio of the coincidence is shown by pie charts which represent classes of the target software. Whole software is represented in a weighted digraph structure. We have prototyped a tool implemented our proposed method. We have evaluated the availability of the proposed method by applying the tool to two kinds of software: Warehouse Management Program, and a telephone directory management program. As a result, we conclude that the proposed method shows informative results.
proposed method visualizes coincidence,software metrics,visualization technique,software visualization,unit testing,static checking,target software,ordinal testing,caller-callee relationships,passage rates,new hybrid method,software component relationship,whole software,measurement,formal specification,software measurement,data warehouses,java,software quality,testing,visualization,computer bugs,data visualisation
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