Asap: Towards Accurate, Stable And Accelerative Penetrating-Rank Estimation On Large Graphs

WAIM'11 Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Web-age information management(2011)

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Pervasive web applications increasingly require a measure of similarity among objects. Penetrating-Rank (P-Rank) has been one of the promising link-based similarity metrics as it provides a comprehensive way of jointly encoding both incoming and outgoing links into computation for emerging applications. In this paper, we investigate P-Rank efficiency problem that encompasses its accuracy, stability and computational time. (I) We provide an accuracy estimate for iteratively computing P-Rank. A symmetric problem is to find the iteration number K needed for achieving a given accuracy E. (2) We also analyze the stability of P-Rank, by showing that small choices of the damping factors would make P-Rank more stable and well-conditioned. (3) For undirected graphs, we also explicitly characterize the P-Rank solution in terms of matrices. This results in a novel non-iterative algorithm, termed ASAP, for efficiently computing P-Rank, which improves the CPU time from O(n(4)) to O(n(3)). Using real and synthetic data, we empirically verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our approaches.
P-Rank efficiency problem,P-Rank solution,accuracy estimate,CPU time,computational time,iteratively computing,promising link-based similarity metrics,symmetric problem,iteration number K,novel non-iterative algorithm,accelerative penetrating-rank estimation,large graph
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