
Adaptive detection of distributed targets in compound-Gaussian clutter with inverse gamma texture

Digital Signal Processing(2012)

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The problem of coherent detection for distributed target in compound-Gaussian clutter with inverse gamma texture is studied and three detectors. One-step generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT), maximum a-posteriori GLRT and two-step GLRT, are proposed respectively in a Bayesian architecture. Resultantly, these detectors have similar detection structures with their test statistics modulated by the shape and scale parameters of the texture. Alternatively, they can be reformulated into another form with their test statistics associated with the scale parameter and detection thresholds related with the shape parameter. And this detection structure can be seen as a matched filter form with a shape-parameter-dependent threshold like the detectors for point target. Subsequently, the proposed detectors are compared with two-step GLRT based on compound-Gaussian clutter without considering texture model, their detection performances are evaluated, and their robustness are analyzed via Monte Carlo simulations. Results enlighten us that: (1) the three Bayesian detectors bear pretty much the same detection performances; (2) the detection performances fluctuate more intensely when the shape parameter or the scale parameter is smaller; (3) the shape parameter has more influences on the detection performances than the scale parameter, as it is an indication of the clutter impulsiveness.
adaptive detection,detection structure,test statistic,similar detection structure,two-step glrt,scale parameter,compound-gaussian clutter,shape parameter,inverse gamma texture,detection threshold,coherent detection,detection performance,wald test
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