Comprehensive standard test suites for the performance evaluation of mobile robots

PerMIS '10: Proceedings of the 10th Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop(2010)

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Robots must possess certain sets of capabilities to suit critical operations such as emergency responses. In the mobility function, ground robots must be able to handle many types of obstacles and terrain complexities, including traversing and negotiating positive and negative obstacles, various types of floor surfaces or terrains, and confined passageways. Additional mobility requirements include the ability to sustain specified speeds and to tow payloads with different weights. Standard test methods are required to evaluate how well candidate robots meet these requirements. A set of test methods focused on evaluating the mobility function has been collected into a test suite. Likewise, in other functions such as sensing, communication, manipulation, energy/power, Human-System Interaction (HSI), logistics, and safety, corresponding test suites are required. Also needed are test suites for aerial and aquatic robots. Under the sponsorship of DHS, NIST researchers are collaborating with others to establish such a collection of test suites under the standards development organization ASTM International. Apparatuses must be set up to challenge specific robot capabilities in repeatable ways to facilitate direct comparison of different robot models as well as particular configurations of similar robot models.
additional mobility requirement,standard test method,ground robot,test method,corresponding test suite,comprehensive standard test suite,different robot model,mobile robot,mobility function,performance evaluation,test suite,aquatic robot,candidate robot,standard,sensor,measure,mobility,terminology,robot,energy,test,performance,environment,metrics,power
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