Exploring decentralized dynamic scheduling for grids and clouds using the community-aware scheduling algorithm

Future Generation Computer Systems(2013)

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Job scheduling strategies have been studied for decades in a variety of scenarios. Due to the new characteristics of the emerging computational systems, such as the grid and cloud, metascheduling turns out to be an important scheduling pattern because it is responsible for orchestrating resources managed by independent local schedulers and bridges the gap between participating nodes. Equally, to overcome issues such as bottleneck, single point failure, and impractical unique administrative management, which are normally led by conventional centralized or hierarchical schemes, the decentralized scheduling scheme is emerging as a promising approach because of its capability with regards to scalability and flexibility. In this work, we introduce a decentralized dynamic scheduling approach entitled the community-aware scheduling algorithm (CASA). The CASA is a two-phase scheduling solution comprised of a set of heuristic sub-algorithms to achieve optimized scheduling performance over the scope of overall grid or cloud, instead of individual participating nodes. The extensive experimental evaluation with a real grid workload trace dataset shows that, when compared to the centralized scheduling scheme with BestFit as the metascheduling policy, the use of CASA can lead to a 30%-61% better average job slowdown, and a 68%-86% shorter average job waiting time in a decentralized scheduling manner without requiring detailed real-time processing information from participating nodes.
centralized scheduling scheme,smartgrid,community-aware scheduling algorithm (casa),cloud,job scheduling strategy,community-aware scheduling algorithm,two-phase scheduling solution,decentralized scheduling manner,optimized scheduling performance,scheduling,important scheduling pattern,average job slowdown,grid,decentralized dynamic scheduling approach,meta-scheduling,decentralized scheduling scheme,cloud computing
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