Specifying and verifying declarative fluent temporal logic properties of workflows

SBMF'12 Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian conference on Formal Methods: foundations and applications(2012)

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In this paper, we present a characterization of workflows as labeled transition systems, focusing on an encoding of workflow specifications based on workflow patterns. This encoding models tasks in a convenient way, enabling us to exploit fluent linear time temporal logic formulas for capturing typical constraints on workflows. Fluents enable us to flexibly characterize the activities associated with workflow tasks, and also to easily express a wide range of constraints on workflows. Moreover, our characterization of workflows as labeled transition systems, and the use of fluent linear time temporal logic as a language to express workflow properties, allows us to employ model checking for automatically guaranteeing that a property is satisfied by a workflow, or generating violating workflow executions when such property does not hold. We use YAWL as a language for expressing workflows. Our characterization of workflows as labeled transition systems is implemented in a tool that translates YAWL models into FSP, and then employs the LTSA tool to automatically verify properties of workflows, expressed as fluent linear time temporal logic properties, on the resulting FSP models.
fluent linear time,workflow task,transition system,workflow execution,workflow pattern,temporal logic formula,declarative fluent temporal logic,temporal logic,encoding models task,workflow property,workflow specification
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