Privacy Preserving for Continuous Query in Location Based Services

Parallel and Distributed Systems(2012)

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Location-based services (LBSs) have become a popular and important way to provide real-time information and guidance. The abuse of mobile users' location data, which may violate their sensitive and private personal information, is one of the major challenges faced by LBS. On the other hand, the query launched by mobile users should not be linked to them even if they are required to expose their location information to attain some services. However, many location based systems (e.g., mobile social networks, store finders) are lacking of users' private preserving consideration. In this paper, we focuse-focus on the issues related to query linking privacy. Particularly, we aim to preserve mobile users' privacy in location based mobile systems where their location information may be available, furthermore, while facing attacks, the sensitive data of a specific mobile user launching the query should not be disclosed to an adversary. We present a new query linking privacy preserving algorithm (V-DCA) for continuous LBS by taking the user's velocity and acceleration similarity into consideration. The consecutive generated cloaked sets are used to create the new cloaked region, which decreases the complexity of the algorithm while fulfilling the privacy requirement. The simulation results show that V-DCA can preserve mobile user's privacy as well as provide better Quality of Service (QoS).
privacy requirement,private personal information,privacy preserving,location information,mobile user,real-time information,new query,mobile social network,continuous query,location data,specific mobile user,mobile system,data privacy,mobile computing
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