Panel description: testing as a service in the cloud

Service Oriented System Engineering(2013)

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Summary form only given. The expert panelists will present their views and experiences covering questions including, 1. What in your view is cloud testing and its benefits? 2. What types of testing are suitable for testing on the Cloud? 3. What are the factors to successfully providing testing as a service? 4. What are the problems and challenges in Testing in the Cloud? 5. What are the major differences between conventional software testing and cloudbased software testing? The second part of the session will be a lively discussion with questions from the audience as well as the following. 1. How easy or difficult is it to set-up test environments for testing in the cloud? 2. What is the true value-addition in TaaS? 3. Is TaaS secure? Can security sensitive applications be tested in the Cloud? What about applications from regulated industry such as healthcare, with confidential patient information? 4. Is TaaS here to stay? Panelists will summarize their vision on the future.
Panel Description
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