A Cloud-Based Framework for Collaborative Data Management in the VPH-Share Project

Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops(2013)

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The VPH-Share project objective is to store, share, integrate, and link data, information, knowledge, and wisdom about the physiopathology of the human body to enable their reuse within the virtual physiological human community. Therefore, the projects develops a modular and generic data management platform on top of a distributed Cloud infrastructure. The data management platform enables the ontological annotation of VPH-relevant datasets, their provisioning in the Cloud, and supports different data integration approaches. In this paper we present the architecture and implementation of this VPH-Share Cloud and data management platform and we go into detail about two different data integration approaches: relational data mediation, which has been realized on top of a distributed data mediation engine, and semantic data integration, which is supported on the basis of the SPARQL federation extension. Both approaches are examined on top of a project-specific scenario executed in the VPH-Share Cloud environment.
vph-share project,vph-share cloud environment,different data integration approach,semantic data integration,cloud-based framework,relational data mediation,collaborative data management,vph-share cloud,cloud infrastructure,data mediation engine,generic data management platform,data management platform,link data,engines,distributed databases,atmosphere,relational databases,cloud computing,semantics,data integration,groupware,mediation
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