On Estimation of Functional Causal Models: Post-Nonlinear Causal Model as an Example

Data Mining Workshops(2013)

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Compared to constraint-based causal discovery, causal discovery based on functional causal models is able to identify the whole causal model under appropriate assumptions. Functional causal models represent the effect as a function of the direct causes together with an independent noise term. Examples include the linear non-Gaussian a cyclic model (LiNGAM), nonlinear additive noise model, and post-nonlinear (PNL) model. Currently there are two ways to estimate the parameters in the models, one is by dependence minimization, and the other is maximum likelihood. In this paper, we show that for any a cyclic functional causal model, minimizing the mutual information between the hypothetical cause and the noise term is equivalent to maximizing the data likelihood with a flexible model for the distribution of the noise term. We then focus on estimation of the PNL causal model, and propose to estimate it with the warped Gaussian process with the noise modeled by the mixture of Gaussians. As a Bayesian nonparametric approach, it outperforms the previous one based on mutual information minimization with nonlinear functions represented by multilayer perceptrons, we also show that unlike the ordinary regression, estimation results of the PNL causal model are sensitive to the assumption on the noise distribution. Experimental results on both synthetic and real data support our theoretical claims.
functional causal model,synthetic data support,causal discovery,warped gaussian processes,cyclic model,flexible model,functional causal models,post-nonlinear causal model,parameter estimation,bayes methods,real data support,maximum likelihood estimation,mutual information minimization,ordinary regression,independent noise term,data likelihood,multilayer perceptron,pnl model,pnl causal model,bayesian nonparametric approach,whole causal model,nonlinear additive noise model,nonparametric statistics,maximum likelihood,nonlinear functions,gaussian processes,causality,data mining,constraint-based causal discovery,linear nongaussian a cyclic model,noise term,post-nonlinear model,cyclic functional causal model,warped gaussian process,lingam,noise distribution,dependence minimization
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