
Trans-iliac Rat Aorta Stenting: a Novel High Throughput Preclinical Stent Model for Restenosis and Thrombosis.

˜The œJournal of surgical research/Journal of surgical research(2011)

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Background. Currently, preclinical stent development requires elaborate large animal models, which are time consuming and expensive. We herein report a high throughput rat aorta stenting model which could provide a rapid and low-cost platform for preclinical stent development.Methods. A total of 86 metal stents (316L stainless steel 13 mm, VasoTech, Inc.) coated with poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide)/amorphous calcium phosphate (PLGA/ACP) copolymer were pre-mounted on 1.5 mm x 3 15 mm balloon catheters and were implanted into aspirin treated Sprague-Dawley rats (500-700 g) initially using either direct placement in the abdominal aorta (group A, n = 7) or a trans-iliac approach (cut-down, group B, n = 79). The surviving rats were sacrificed at 1, 2, 4, and 12 wk post-implantation and the stented arteries were analyzed histopathologically.Results. Four rats died in group A and nine rats died in group B within 48 h post-stent implantation (mortality: 57% versus 11%, P < 0.05). All animals that died had stent thrombosis/paralysis with visible thrombus on necropsy. Histologically, neointimal growth peaked at approximately 4 wk post-implantation.Conclusion. This result suggests that human-sized stents can be successfully implanted into the rat aorta via iliac artery insertion with a significantly higher survival rate than trans-aorta implantation. The model system allows rapid (4-12 wk) assessment of stent biocompatibility with mortality/paralysis used as an indicator of stent thrombosis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
iliac artery,aorta,stent,restenosis,thrombosis
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