OLTP on hardware islands


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Modern hardware is abundantly parallel and increasingly heterogeneous. The numerous processing cores have nonuniform access latencies to the main memory and to the processor caches, which causes variability in the communication costs. Unfortunately, database systems mostly assume that all processing cores are the same and that microarchitecture differences are not significant enough to appear in critical database execution paths. As we demonstrate in this paper, however, hardware heterogeneity does appear in the critical path and conventional database architectures achieve suboptimal and even worse, unpredictable performance. We perform a detailed performance analysis of OLTP deployments in servers with multiple cores per CPU (multicore) and multiple CPUs per server (multisocket). We compare different database deployment strategies where we vary the number and size of independent database instances running on a single server, from a single shared-everything instance to fine-grained shared-nothing configurations. We quantify the impact of non-uniform hardware on various deployments by (a) examining how efficiently each deployment uses the available hardware resources and (b) measuring the impact of distributed transactions and skewed requests on different workloads. Finally, we argue in favor of shared-nothing deployments that are topology- and workload-aware and take advantage of fast on-chip communication between islands of cores on the same socket.
hardware island,independent database instance,critical database execution path,conventional database architecture,non-uniform hardware,modern hardware,database system,available hardware resource,oltp deployment,hardware heterogeneity,different database deployment strategy
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