The information that has been developed for Mental Health Information New Zealand (MHINZ) has occurred thanks to the significant contributions made by clinicians, consumers and families. Some of these participants include

Peter Adams,Nick Argyle,Jo Beck, Lorraine Burns, Joanne Chiplin,Hugh Clarkson,David Codyre, Kate Cosgriff, Dell Coyte,Sue Crengle, Annie Cripps,Diane Davidson, Rodney Davis,Sandra Duncan, Fuimaono Karl, Pulotu Endemann, Mali Erick, Katherine Findlay, Jade Furness, Ani Goslyn, Chris Harris, Carmen Hodgson,Marie Hull-Brown, Beryl Jane, Hylton Greig McCormack, Ian MacEwan,Peter McGeorge,Jan McKenzie, Pam Melding, Jennie Michel, Brandon Nementzik,James Nichol,Mary O'Hagan, Maureen O'Hara, Tina Paige, Steven G Patterson,Janet Peters,Chris Perkins, Julie Purdy,Sue Robertson, Schizophrenia Fellowship, Rob Shieff,Sandy Simpson, Kenneth Smedley, Suzy Stevens, Lorene Stewart, Alison Taylor, Cindi Wallace,John Werry, Rick Williment, Monique Wilson


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