
Apoptosis-inducing Effects of Curcumin Derivatives in Human Bladder Cancer Cells.

Anti-cancer drugs(2006)

引用 49|浏览16
Our aim was to prepare curcumin derivatives and study their apoptosis-inducing effects on bladder cancer cells in order to establish a basis for targeted chemotherapy of cancer. n-Maleoyl-L-valine-curcumin (NVC) and n-maleoyl-glycine-curcumin (NGC) were chemically synthesized. Intracellular esterase activity of the human bladder cancer EJ cell line and renal tubular epithelial (HKC) cells was examined by 6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate fluorometry. After incubation with NVC or NGC for 6-24 h, cell viability was detected by MTT colorimetry. Cell apoptosis and apoptotic rates were measured by acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining, TUNEL labeling and flow cytometry. Intracellular caspase-3 activities were determined by spectrophotometry. The esterase activity within EJ cells was 10.2-fold higher than that of HKC cells, which was abolished by bis-p-nitrophenylphosphate, an esterase inhibitor, resulting in decreases in NVC- and NGC-mediated cell viability arrest. For EJ cells, the IC50 values of NVC (20.1 mu mol/l) and NGC (18.7 mu mol/l) were close to curcumin (16.5 mu mol/l). Meanwhile, their IC50 values on HKC cells were, respectively, 4.06- and 3.23-fold higher than curcumin. Moreover, NVC and NGC induced apoptosis of EJ cells by 10.13-23.36 and 12.42-28.56%, respectively. Administration of these two derivatives resulted in decreased apoptosis of HKC cells compared with curcumin. The caspase-3 activities of EJ cells, but not of H KC cells, were 5.21- and 5.63-fold enhanced by NVC and NGC, respectively. Thus, novel esterase-sensitive curcumin derivatives were synthesized, which induced extensive apoptosis of bladder cancer EJ cells, but not normal cells.
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