
Impact of heavy metal amended sewage sludge on forest soils as assessed by bacterial and fungal biosensors

Biology and Fertility of Soils(2006)

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Bacterial and fungal bioluminescence-based biosensors were used as indicators of potential heavy metal toxicity to microorganisms in the needle litter of a mature Pinus radiata forest under heavy metal contaminated sewage sludge. Sewage sludge was amended with increasing concentrations of Cu, Ni and Zn and applied to the surface of a mature P. radiata forest. The response of the bacterial and fungal biosensors to soluble Cu, Ni and Zn in needle litter extracts was investigated. The bioluminescence response of the bacterial biosensor Escherichia coli HB101 pUCD607 declined as water-soluble Zn concentrations increased. The effective concentrations that gave a 50% reduction in bioluminescence (EC 50 values) for water-soluble Zn and total litter Zn were 1.3 mg l −1 and 3700 mg kg −1 , respectively. The bioluminescence response of the fungal biosensor Armillaria mellea declined as soluble Cu concentrations increased. The EC 50 values for water-soluble Cu and total litter Cu were 0.12 mg l −1 and 540 mg kg −1 , respectively. No decline in bioluminescence was noted for either the bacterial or fungal biosensor on exposure to increasing concentrations of water-soluble Ni. The use of a combination of bacterial and fungal biosensors offers a rapid and sensitive tool for assessing toxicity of heavy metals to microorganisms and, thus, elucidating the environmental impact of contaminants in sewage sludge on litter dwelling microorganisms.
sewage sludge,forestry,biosensor,Escherichia coli,Armillaria mellea
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