
Evaluation of three production planning procedures for the use of recipe flexibility

European Journal of Operational Research(1999)

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Process industries often obtain their raw materials from mining or agricultural industries. These raw materials usually have variations in quality, which often lead to variations in the recipes used for manufacturing a product. Another reason for varying the recipe is to minimize production costs by using the cheapest materials that still lead to a satisfactory quality in the product. A third reason for using recipe flexibility is that it may occur that at the time of production not all materials for the standard recipe are available. In earlier research we showed under what conditions the use of this type of recipe flexibility should be preferred to the use of high materials stock to avoid materials shortages. We also showed that the use of recipe flexibility to account for material shortages can be justified if the material replenishment leadtime is long, the demand uncertainty is high and the required service level is high. In this paper we assume that these conditions are satisfied and we investigate three different production planning procedures that make use of recipe flexibility to cope with the uncertainty in demand and supply. We assume that the customer order leadtime is much smaller than the material replenishment leadtime, and therefore demand uncertainty is high. The optimal procedure optimizes material use over a planning horizon equal to the material replenishment leadtime, taking into account the customers orders and knowledge of the distribution function of future demand. The deterministic procedure also optimizes the material use over the material replenishment leadtime, but it assumes a deterministic demand level for unknown orders. The simplest, myopic procedure optimizes material use over only the accepted customer orders. These three procedures are investigated via an experimental design of computer simulations of an elementary small scale model of the production planning situation. The results show that the optimal procedure outperforms the other two procedures. Furthermore, for a realistic cost structure in feed industry under certain circumstances the use of the optimal procedure may lead to a 4% increase in profit. However, this improvement must be weighted against the cost incurred by the operational use of this complex procedure. Based on these considerations and the numerical results in this paper, we may expect that for some situations in practice the use of the simplest myopic procedure, optimizing material use only over the available customer orders, will be justified from an overall cost point of view.
Recipe flexibility,Optimization,Inventory,Production planning,Simulation
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