XMM-Newton Observation of Fe K α emission from a BAL QSO : Mrk 231


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We present results from a 20 ksec XMM-Newton observation of Mrk 231. EPIC spectral data reveal strong line emission due to Fe Ka, which has rarely been detected in this class, as BAL QSOs are very faint in the X-ray band. The line energy is consistent with an origin in neutral Fe. The width of the line is equivalent to a velocity dispersion 18,000 km s-l and thus the line may be attributed to transmission and/or reflection from a distribution of emitting clouds. If, instead, the line originates in the accretion disk then the line strength and flat X-ray continuum support some contriblution from a reflected component, although the data disfavor a model where the hard X-ray band is purely reflected X-rays. The line parameters are similar to those obtained for the Fe K a line detected in another BAL &SO, H1413 + 117. Subject headings: galaxies: active galaxies: individual (Mrk 231) galaxies: nuclei galaxies: Seyfert
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