
Estimation of inhibitory quotient using a comparative equilibrium dialysis assay for prediction of viral response to hepatitis C virus inhibitors.

H Mo,C Yang, K Wang,Y Wang, M Huang,B Murray,X Qi, S-C Sun, M Deshpande,G Rhodes,M D Miller


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The relationship of inhibitory quotient (IQ) with the virologic response to specific inhibitors of human hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the best method to correct for serum protein binding in calculating IQ have not been addressed. A common method is to determine a fold shift by comparing the EC(50) values determined in cell culture in the absence and presence of human serum (fold shift in EC(50) ), but this method has a number of disadvantages. In the present study, the fold shifts in drug concentrations between 100% human plasma (HP) and cell culture medium (CCM) were directly measured using a modified comparative equilibrium dialysis (CED) assay for three HCV protease inhibitors (PIs) and for a novel HCV inhibitor GS-9132. The fold shift values in drug concentration between the HP and CCM (CED ratio) were ∼1 for SCH-503034, VX-950 and GS-9132 and 13 for BILN-2061. These values were ∼3-10-fold lower than the fold shift values calculated from the EC(50) assay for all inhibitors except BILN-2061. Using the CED values, a consistent pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic relationship was observed for the four HCV inhibitors analysed. Specifically, an approximate 1 log(10) reduction in HCV RNA was achieved with an IQ close to 1, while 2-3 and greater log(10) reductions in HCV RNA were achieved with IQ values of 3-5 and greater, respectively. Thus, use of CED to define IQ provides a predictive and quantitative approach for the assessment of the in vivo potency of HCV PIs and GS-9132. This method provides a framework for the evaluation of other classes of drugs that are bound by serum proteins but require the presence of serum for in vitro evaluation.
comparative equilibrium dialysis,hepatitis C virus inhibitors,inhibitory quotient,viral response
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