Investigation of blood typing method for seoul National University miniature pig.


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Pig blood group antigens may be present on grafted tissue as 16 isoforms, including the major one, A substrance. Seoul National University (SNU) miniature pigs and domestic pigs were used in this study. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed for the erythrocyte antigen A (EAA) gene, and reverse transcriptase-PCR for pig A transferase fucosyl transferase (FUT) 1 and FUT-2. The hem agglutination test was performed with murine monoclonal anti-A and anti-B antibodies (mAb), and immunohistochemistry with anti-human blood antigen mAb. SNU miniature and domestic pigs showed blood groups A and O. Blood group A SNU miniature pigs expressed either EAA(AA) or EAA(AO) and either S-SS or S-SO; blood group O miniature pigs expressed EAA(OO) and S-SS or S-SO, and there was no A(weak). Additionally, blood group A could be divided into blood group A(clotting) and blood group A(not clotting) in hemagglutination tests. Pig A substance was expressed in the lung and kidney in blood group A pigs, but we could not detect pig A substance expression in the lung, kidney, and heart of blood group O pigs or the heart of blood group A pigs. In conclusion, we suggest that blood typing of SNU miniature pigs can be easily performed using immunohistochemistry, PCR, and/or RT-PCR. Molecular-based AO typing described in this study may be useful to select SNU miniature pigs bearing a specific blood group.
blood groups,polymerase chain reaction,reverse transcriptase,immunohistochemistry
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