Risking the Future: Unprotected Intercourse and HIV/AIDS Knowledge among Female Commercial Sex Workers in Central Bangladesh

Shah E. Habib,A. S. M. Amanullah, Ann Daniel, Frances H. Lovejoy

The International Quarterly of Community Health Education(2000)

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This study examined levels of AIDS knowledge and condom practices in a sample of female commercial sex workers (CSWs) in Bangladesh. The 284 subjects were questioned about AIDS knowledge using a 12-item AIDS knowledge and patterns of condom use questionnaire. The subjects had a moderate knowledge of AIDS with 61.5 percent of the sample responding correctly to 6 or more of the 12 AIDS knowledge questions. Those with high levels of AIDS knowledge used condoms at a higher rate than those with low levels of AIDS knowledge. These CSWs were predominantly young (36.6 percent) and illiterate (62.7 percent). Street-based CSWs were at greatest risk for acquiring HIV; many reported less frequent use of condom than brothel-based CSWs. The majority knew that condoms offered protection against HIV/AIDS, although only 11 percent reported using condoms prior to the day of survey. Misconception and confusion were identified regarding modes of transmission and prevention.
interviews,data collection,developing countries,knowledge,research methodology,behavior,population
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