
Kinetics of Fumonisin B-1 in Pigs and Persistence in Tissues after Ingestion of A Diet Containing A High Fumonisin Concentration

Cereal research communications(2008)

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The absorption, distribution and elimination of fumonisin B 1 (FB 1 ) and its metabolites was investigated in pigs. For the determination of the absorption and biotransformation of FB 1 , T-cannula were implanted into the distal part of experimental pigs’ ileum and the total urine and faeces moiety was collected during the toxin feeding (45 mg FB 1 /kg diet, duration: 10 days) and in the subsequent elimination period (10 days). At the end of trial several organs, muscle and fat samples were also collected. The accumulative absorption of fumonisin B 1 was 4%. In the chymus, the FB 1 conversion to aminopentol (totally hydrolysed FB 1 ; AP 1 ) and partially hydrolysed FB 1 (PHFB 1 ) was 1% and 3.9%, respectively. Derivatives of FB 1 were mostly accumulated in the liver and kidney, while in negligible concentration could be detected in the muscle and fat samples. In the organs the efficacy of the FB 1 to AP 1 and PHFB 1 conversion was 30% and 20%, respectively. In the faecal content the main hydrolised product was PHFB 1 (47%), with 12% of AP 1 . 1.5% of the FB 1 quantity taken up was excreted with the urine, about 35% in hydrolyzed form. Detectable amounts of FB 1 and its metabolites were measured in most of the organs, in faeces and urine even 10 days after the feeding of the noncontaminated diet. As a general conclusion, the intestinal microbiota of pigs is able to transform the intact FB 1 to a similarly toxic substance (partially hydrolyzed FB 1 ) or to a more toxic metabolite (aminopentol).
fumonisin B1,metabolism,Fusarium verticillioides
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