Modelling and Simulation of a Metro System for the case of fire inside a tunnel


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1. The problem The case of fire in a metro railway tunnel is probably the worst situation that may appear in such systems. The situation of interest arises when, due to some failure, a train gets stalled within two stations and a fire is initiated. The thermal energy of the fire and (mainly) the production of toxic smoke, dictates the evacuation of the train as soon as possible, with the maximum efficiency possible. This raises high demands for cooperation, communication and coordination among the human and technological agents of the system. An Emergency Rescue Plan (ERP) can be considered as a cognitive artefact aiming to alleviate these demands. Among the main actions included in the studied ERP, are the following: - Assess the situation (i.e. location and magnitude of the fire). It is very important to have an immediate diagnosis. The driver provides the first indications to the network controller. - Define the optimal evacuation direction (i.e. the closest station). The driver has to transmit the information about the fire to the network controller, which in turn has to decide (in common with the driver) whether an evacuation is to take place and towards which direction. - Open the train gates. When the driver receives the authorisation for the evacuation of the train, s/he has to inform the passengers about the upcoming evacuation, mentioning the direction of the nearest station and then opening the doors. - Cut-off the power from the line. In the mean time, the controller in the control room, have to coordinate their actions and assure that the power will be off, in the sections around the area of the incident. If there are other trains present in that area, when the train is stalled, they will have to be first driven away.
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