Dynamic bandwidth management for VBR MPEG traffic using ATM OAM cell

Information Networking, 1998.(1998)

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In this paper, we design a model which connects the ATM OAM and the function of traffic control. To implement this model, we propose a scheme that combines the ATM OAM and the bandwidth allocation control. Especially, we design this scheme for the VBR MPEG traffic. In this scheme, a source sends information of frame types and sizes using OAM cells. These OAM cells are F5 flow performance management cells. The layer management function allocates the bandwidth dynamically on the basis of this information. Because MPEG frames have different sizes and importance, our algorithm uses the cell discarding scheme which considers priority. The proposed algorithm has low error in allocating bandwidth compared with prediction algorithms
vbr mpeg traffic,b-isdn,atm oam,dynamic bandwidth management,bandwidth compression,bandwidth allocation control,layer management function,atm oam cell,high priority frame,variable rate codes,asynchronous transfer mode,performance evaluation,telecommunication traffic,oam cell,bandwidth dynamically,mpeg frame,f5 flow performance management,f5 flow performance management cells,low error,physical layer,protocols,bandwidth,information management,bandwidth management,performance management,bandwidth allocation,data mining
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