Progress In Scaling Biomolecular Simulations To Petaflop Scale Platforms

Euro-Par'06: Proceedings of the CoreGRID 2006, UNICORE Summit 2006, Petascale Computational Biology and Bioinformatics conference on Parallel processing(2007)

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This paper describes some of the issues involved with scaling biomolecular simulations onto massively parallel machines drawing on the Blue Matter application team's experiences with Blue Gene/L. Our experiences in scaling biomolecular simulation to one atom/node on BG/L should be relevant to scaling biomolecular simulations onto larger peta-scale platforms because the path to increased performance is through the exploitation of increased concurrency so that even larger systems will have to operate in the extreme strong scaling regime. Petascale platforms also present challenges with regard to the correctness of biomolecular simulations since longer time-scale simulations are more likely to encounter significant energy drift. Total energy drift data for a microsecond-scale simulation is presented along with the measured scalability of various components of a molecular dynamics time-step.
biomolecular simulation,extreme strong scaling regime,Blue Gene,Blue Matter application team,increased concurrency,increased performance,larger peta-scale platform,larger system,microsecond-scale simulation,significant energy drift
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