Understanding multimedia content using web scale social media data.

Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia(2010)

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Nowadays, increasingly rich and massive social media data (such as texts, images, audios, videos, blogs, and so on) are being posted to the web, including social networking websites (e.g., MySpace, Facebook), photo and video sharing websites (e.g., Flickr, YouTube), and photo forums (e.g., Photosig.com and Photo.net). Recently, researchers from multidisciplinary areas have proposed to use data-driven approaches for multimedia content understanding by leveraging such unlimited web images and videos as well as their associated rich contextual information (e.g., tag, comments, category, title and metadata). In this three hour tutorial, we plan to introduce the important general concepts and themes of this timely topic. We will also review and summarize the recent multimedia content analysis methods using web-scale social media data as well as present insight into the challenges and future directions in this area. Moreover, we will also show extensive demos on image annotation and retrieval by using rich social media data.
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