Modeling, simulation, and visualization of three-dimensional lung dynamics

Modeling, simulation, and visualization of three-dimensional lung dynamics(2006)

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Medical simulation has facilitated the understanding of complex biological phenomenon through its inherent explanatory power. It is a critical component for planning clinical interventions and analyzing its effect on a human subject. The success of medical simulation is evidenced by the fact that over one third of all medical schools in the United States augment their teaching curricula using patient simulators. Medical simulators present combat medics and emergency providers with video-based descriptions of patient symptoms along with step-by-step instructions on clinical procedures that alleviate the patient's condition. Recent advances in clinical imaging technology have led to an effective medical visualization by coupling medical simulations with patient-specific anatomical models and their physically and physiologically realistic organ deformation. 3D physically-based deformable lung models obtained from a human subject are tools for representing regional lung structure and function analysis. Static imaging techniques such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Chest x-rays, and Computed Tomography (CT) are conventionally used to estimate the extent of pulmonary disease and to establish available courses for clinical intervention. The predictive accuracy and evaluative strength of the static imaging techniques may be augmented by improved computer technologies and graphical rendering techniques that can transform these static images into dynamic representations of subject specific organ deformations. By creating physically based 3D simulation and visualization, 3D deformable models obtained from subject-specific lung images will better represent lung structure and function. Variations in overall lung deformations may indicate tissue pathologies, thus 3D visualization of functioning lungs may also provide a visual tool to current diagnostic methods. The framework presented here is part of several research efforts at ODALab for developing an AR based medical visualization framework. The framework consists of 3 components, (i) modeling the Pressure-Volume (PV) relation, (ii) modeling the lung deformation using a Green's function based deformation operator, and (iii) optimizing the deformation using state-of-art Graphics Processing Units (GPU). The validation of the results obtained in the first two modeling steps is also discussed for normal human subjects. Disease states such as Pneumothorax and lung tumors are modeled using the proposed deformation method. Additionally, a method to synchronize the instantiations of the deformation across a network is also discussed. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
effective medical visualization,lung deformation,clinical intervention,coupling medical simulation,lung tumor,lung structure,human subject,static imaging technique,medical school,medical simulation,three-dimensional lung dynamic
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