Study Of Hypertension In A Black Urban Community - Preliminary Epidemiologic Findings


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A prevalence survey of blood pressure levels among adult residents in a stratified random sample of central Baltimore City households showed geographical differences in prevalence rates. Variation in prevalence rates was associated with indices of socioeconomic status. High prevalence rates were associated with high rates of manifestation of severe disease. Measurements of end-organ damage and high blood pressure levels were used as manifestations of disease severity. The data describe the total prevalence of high blood pressure whether or not the elevation is under control. It, therefore, provides a complete estimate of the community hypertension burden. Indices of socioeconomic status can, incidentally, describe differential use of, or access to, sources of medical service. Interview data collected prior to initial blood pressure measurement were used to see how prevalence was related to individual perceptions of medical care availability and the use of different sources of medical service. The results of analysis showed an association between blood pressure control and availability of medical care. There was no association between availability of medical care and the proportion of free living hypertensive individuals known to the medical care system. The investigators believe that this preliminary analysis reflects the quality of personal care that goes with availability of medical services and the current mode of clinical practice which has virtually no impact on the identification of asymptomatic hypertensive individuals.
hypertension,black urban community
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