Using a Sodar to Measure Optical Turbulence and Wind Speed for the Thirty Meter Telescope Site Testing. Part II: Comparison with Independent Instruments

Boundary-Layer Meteorology(2011)

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In the second part of this study, we compare both the wind speed and turbulence given by the Sodars with independent sets of measurements. In the case of the wind speed we compare the lowest Sodar data bin with a sonic anemometer located on a 7-m tower. The agreement between the two instruments was convincing with a regression slope near unity. The integrated turbulence measurements of the Sodars are compared with those obtained with a combined multi-aperture scintillation sensor and differential image motion monitor (MASS/DIMM) unit. It was found that the Sodars are indeed capable of quantitatively measuring optical turbulence, and agree with the MASS/DIMM measurements with a correlation coefficient of approximately 80% and a regression slope within 10% of unity. Additional acoustic noise in the Sodar data was identified using this comparison and removed from the data.
astronomy · atmospheric boundary layer · sodar · turbulence · wind speed,acoustic noise,wind speed,atmospheric boundary layer,independent set
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