Characterization of the cuticular surface wax pores and the waxy particles of the dustywing, Semidalis flinti (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae)

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(2003)

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The adult dustywing, Semidalis flinti Meinander (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae), begins producing circular-shaped waxy particles after eclosion. The waxy material, which forms the particles, is extruded from individual pores found in clusters on the abdomen. Pores also are present in two rows of three pores on the frontalis and two pores on the first segment of each antennae. The pores have a rosette-like appearance and each pore extrudes dual waxy ribbons. As each ribbon extends a short distance out of the pore, it begins to curl back on itself until the end makes contact with the ribbon. The curled end then breaks free from the extruding ribbon to form the circular waxy particles with fluted edges approximately 2.75-μm diameter. The adults use the particles to cover all parts of their body except for their eyes and appear to lightly coat their antennae. The lipid portion of the particles consists largely of free fatty acids, almost exclusively the 24-carbon fatty acid, tetracosanoic acid. Minor lipid classes are hydrocarbons, fatty alcohols and unidentified material.
Whitefly,Predator,Fatty acids,Hydrocarbons,Secondary alcohols,Primary alcohols,Wax esters,Scanning electron microscopy
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