Geochemistry and episodic accumulation of natural gases from the Ledong gas field in the Yinggehai Basin, offshore South China Sea

Organic Geochemistry(2005)

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The Ledong gas field, consisting of three gas pools in a shale diapir structure zone, is the largest gas discovery in the Yinggehai Basin. The gases produced from the Pliocene and Quaternary marine sandstone reservoirs show a considerable variation in chemical composition, with 5.4–88% CH4, 0–93% CO2, and 1–23.7% N2. The CO2-enriched gases often display heavier methane δ13C values than those with low CO2 contents. The δ15N values of the gases range from −8 to −2‰, and the N2 content correlates negatively with the CO2 content. The high geothermal gradient associated with a relatively great burial depth in this area has led to the generation of hydrocarbon and nitrogen gases from the Lower–Middle Miocene source rocks and the formation of abundant CO2 from the Tertiary calcareous-shales and pre-Tertiary carbonates. The compositional heterogeneities and stable carbon isotope data of the produced gases indicate that the formation of the LD221 gas field is attributed to three phases of gas migration: initially biogenic gas, followed by thermogenic hydrocarbon gas, and then CO2-rich gas. The filling processes occurred within a short period approximately from 1.2 to 0.1Ma based on the results of the kinetics modeling. Geophysical and geochemical data show that the diapiric faults that cut through Miocene sediments act as the main pathways for upward gas migration from the deep overpressured system into the shallow normal pressure reservoirs, and that the deep overpressure is the main driving force for vertical and lateral migration of the gases. This gas migration pattern implies that the transitional pressure zone around the shale diapir structures was on the pathway of upward migrating gases, and is also a favorable place for gas accumulation. The proposed multiple sources and multiple phases of gas migration and accumulation model for the Ledong gas field potentially provide useful information for the future exploration efforts in this area.
nitrogen,chemical composition,field potential,methane
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