Mechanisms involved in the interaction of dopamine with angiotensin II on aldosterone secretion in isolated and cultured rat adrenal glomerulosa cells

Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology(1991)

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In a previous study, we have shown that freshly isolated glomerulosa cells possess dopamine (DA) receptors from both DA-1 and DA-2 subclasses, whereas in cultured conditions, cells exhibit dopamine receptors from the DA-1 subclass only. In the present work, we have studied the effect of DA on angiotensin-stimulated glomerulosa cells in these two experimental conditions. Our results demonstrate that in isolated cells, angiotensin II (AT) stimulates inositol phosphate accumulation, calcium influx and steroid secretion. Treatment with pertussis toxin completely blocks AT-stimulated steroid secretion and calcium influx and partially reduces inositol phosphate accumulation. DA alone has no effect on cAMP accumulation. However, in the presence of a specific DA-1 antagonist (SCH 23390), DA reduces intracellular cAMP content. Similarly, DA-like pertussis toxin produces the same inhibitory effects on AT-stimulated cells. The combined influence of DA and pertussis toxin is not additive suggesting that a ‘Gi’ GTP-binding protein is involved in the DA action. Specific DA antagonists indicate that these inhibitory processes are mediated through the DA-2 receptor subtype. DA may act by decreasing the intracellular calcium concentration since it reduces AT-stimulated Ca2+ influx and that both phospholipase C (PLC) and steroid accumulation are calcium dependent. Yet a direct inhibitory coupling between the DA-2 receptor and PLC may represent a second alternative since DA inhibitory effects are always present when calcium influx is artificially increased or decreased. In cultured cells, we observe an additive effect of DA and AT on aldosterone secretion, which is the result of additive interactions of the second messengers involved, namely cAMP for dopamine and inositol phosphates for angiotensin II. From these studies, we conclude that DA may exert a more versatile effect on aldosterone secretion than previously suspected.
Aldosterone secretion,Dopamine,Angiotensin II,Second messenger,Cyclic AMP,Inositol phosphate,Glomerulosa cell,(Rat)
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