Proceedings of the 49th Annual Design Automation Conference

The 49th Annual Design Automation Conference 2012(2012)

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It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 49th annual edition of the Design Automation Conference, appropriately held in beautiful San Francisco. Since 1964, which is even before the beginning of Moore's law, DAC is the place where electronic systems design meets automation. In his keynote on Thursday, legendary professor Dave Liu will highlight the impact that DAC has had - and continues to have - in shaping our lives and the entire electronics industry. Without exaggeration, DAC is the premier place where thousands of professionals from all over the world converge to exchange ideas, sharpen skills and do business. And we will have a jolly good time doing all that. At the end of each day, join us for a reception to unwind while enjoying a view of the San Francisco skyline. The 49th DAC in San Francisco is a true 'design rush' with hundreds of presentations, exhibitors, tutorials, panels and much more. The program is carefully designed to maximize personal interaction at all levels. We've reshaped the format of the technical presentations into concise 15-minute slots, with a poster session afterwards for in-depth face-to-face discussions. This year we had a significant increase in paper submissions. DAC's meticulous review process ensures that only the very best and most novel work is published at DAC. Domain experts from across the globe worked hard and entered a record 4,000 paper reviews, providing constructive feedback to future generations of EDA professionals. Continuing on the interactive theme, our new 'Work-In-Progress' session intercepts and reshapes ideas before they are codified in a formal paper. At the session, DAC allows you to interact to shape the advanced research. Similarly our immensely popular 'Wild and Crazy Ideas' session provides food for thought in unexpected directions.
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