Hubble expansion in static spacetime

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals(2007)

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A recently proposed mechanism for light-path expansion in a static spacetime is based on the moving-lenses paradigm. Since the latter is valid independently of whether space expands or not, a static universe can be used to better see the implications. The moving-lenses paradigm is related to the paradigm of dynamical friction. If this is correct, a Hubble-like law is implicit. It is described quantitatively. A bent in the Hubble-like line is predictably implied. The main underlying assumption is Price’s Principle (PI3). If the theory is sound, the greatest remaining problem in cosmology becomes the origin of hydrogen. Since Blandford’s jet production mechanism for quasars is too weak, a generalized Hawking radiation hidden in the walls of cosmic voids is invoked. A second prediction is empirical: slow pattern changes in the cosmic microwave background. A third is ultra-high redshifts for Giacconi quasars. Bruno’s eternal universe in the spirit of Augustine becomes a bit less outlandish.
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