
Region of Interest Motion Compensation for Pet Image Reconstruction

2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record(2006)

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A motion-incorporated reconstruction (MIR) method for gated PET imaging has recently been developed by several authors to correct for respiratory motion artifacts in PET imaging. This method however relies on a motion map derived from images (4D PET or 4D CT) of the entire field of view (FOV). In this study we present a region of interest (ROI)-based extension to this method, whereby only the motionmap of a user-defined ROI is required and motion incorporation during image reconstruction is solely performed within the ROI. A phantom study and an NCAT computer simulation study were performed to test the feasibility of this method. The phantom study showed that the ROI-based MIR produced results that are within 1.26% of those obtained by the full image-based MIR approach when using the same accurate motion information. The NCAT phantom study on the other hand, further verified that motion of features of interest in an image can be estimated more efficiently and potentially more accurately using the ROI-based approach. A reduction of motion estimation time from 450 s to 30 and 73 s was achieved for two different ROIs respectively. In addition, the ROI-based approach showed a reduction in registration error of 43% for one ROI, which effectively reduced quantification bias by 44% and 32% using mean and maximum voxel values, respectively.
Motion correction,region of interest,image reconstruction
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